
Care for Life campaign launched in ASEAN

21 Oct 2022

Care for Life campaign launched in ASEAN

Driving long term initiatives for the community and contributing to society, with a focus on vulnerable children throughout ASEAN.

First Station: Singapore

Bosch AA Singapore is truly privileged to partner with Club Rainbow to support and empower children with chronic illness through its Care For Life campaign. We aim to drive long-term charitable initiatives in different parts of ASEAN. For this cause, we are fortunate to be supported by our well-known aid organization Primavera. We are very excited to spark happiness in the hearts of the children, alongside Bosch employees and business partners. 

With Singapore being the first country for this campaign, it will soon be launched in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, focusing on the areas of safety, air quality, sight, education, and health of the children respectively.  

For Singapore, the idea is to focus on the happiness of children who are chronically ill (#CareForHappiness) via the Dream Cloud. Wishes from the children will be posted on the Dream Cloud and have them fulfilled by Bosch, its employees, and business partners. 

Apart from unveiling the Dream Cloud, the Care For Life initiative will involve art development programs for the children. Theme of the art will center around the automotive car parts and services. The original art pieces will be auctioned with Bosch AA’s business partners during our planned dealer conference by the end of this year. 

All the funds raised, including a 2% contribution from the sales proceed to our business partners, will be channeled back to Club Rainbow to support a wide variety of programs, services and vocational activities involving art and music, through which the children will be able to gain knowledge and skills, and hopefully help them realize their dreams.  

“We are very happy to be teaming up with Club Rainbow in their 30th years anniversary. Our commitment is to continue reaching out to children in need wherever Bosch is present. We aim to spread cheer to the children, as well as embrace the spirit of sharing and caring. It will also encourage volunteerism among our employees, and we count on the strong support of our business partners,” said Coelho Marcio (AA/SAZ), ASEAN’s Vice President of Bosch AA. “We are also working towards creating awareness on Club Rainbow and their efforts in assisting the children with the illness they are facing. Our individual gesture may seem small and insignificant, but to the children, it could change their entire world.”

Let us all make the first step with this campaign, spark happiness AND remind the children, their parents & caregivers that they are not alone. Smiling children are the best gift. 

To find out more about Bosch AA’s #CareForHappiness campaign and to access the Dream Cloud, please log on to

